According to new research published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a plant-based diet may help men with prostate cancer improve their condition and prevent cancer recurrence.

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The forthcoming study, presented to a cancer-research symposium in February 2023, focuses on the diets of over 2,000 men with prostate cancer, also known as PC. Vivian Liu, a leading research coordinator at the University of California – San Francisco, and several other researchers report that a plant-based diet may be among the recommendations that doctors make to patients with PC.
The men involved with the study responded to questionnaires about their diets and received no prompting from the researchers as to what they should or should not consume; they “ate what they wanted to,” says Liu in an interview with The Washington Post (Cimons, 2023). Though this study does not focus on preventing PC, it presents compelling observational evidence that a plant-based diet can both slow the progression of PC and stop it from recurring in the bodies of survivors.
The study stands as another entry among many in a line of evidence showing the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Liu and her colleagues plan on continuing their research by investigating the long-term effects of PC survivors eating plant-based, and in the meantime recommend that all men “fill their plates with plants and stick to fresh foods” (Cimons, 2023).