A protein profile “with low contribution from meat has great potential for human health and environment preservation, and “shifting a large part of the population toward this profile could be an easy first step toward building a more sustainable diet.” This is according to a new study being published in the peer-reviewed journal Science of …
Category: Studies
Sep 29
Muscle Protein Synthetic Response to Plant Protein Does Not Differ From Animal Protein, Finds Study
The muscle protein synthetic response to the ingestion of 30 grams of a plant-derived protein blend “does not differ from the ingestion of an equivalent amount of a high quality animal-derived protein”, according to a new study. The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, is titled The Muscle Protein Synthetic Response to the Ingestion …
Sep 28
Study: Plant-Based Diet Associated With Sustained Minimal Residual Disease-Negativity
A new study being published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research “is the first study to demonstrate an association between a plant-based dietary pattern, stool butyrate production and sustained minimal residual disease-negativity in multiple myeloma”. Although the study is soon to be published by the journal Clinical Cancer Research, it was epublished online ahead of …
Sep 26
Study: Benefits of Plant-Based Diet Include “Weight Loss, Improved Cardiovascular Health, Lower Blood Pressure”
According to a new the benefits of a plant-based diet “include weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and improved glucose metabolism”, with the benefits being greater for obese individuals. The study, titled Plant-based diet for obesity treatment, was published in this months issue of the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, and was epublished by …
Sep 19
Study: Vegan Diet May Help Reduce Weight, Improve Glycemia, in Overweight or Type 2 Diabetes
According to a new study published in the journal Obesity Reviews, “adhering to vegan diets for at least 12 weeks may be effective in individuals with overweight or type 2 diabetes to induce a meaningful decrease in body weight and improve glycemia.” The abstract of this new study starts by stating that “In parallel with …
Sep 16
Study: Plant-Based Diet Significantly Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer
A study published in the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition “provides supportive evidence that greater consumption of healthful plant-based foods is associated with a lower risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer”. “Plant-based diets are associated with multiple health benefits and a favorable environmental impact”, states the study. “For prostate cancer, previous studies suggest …
Sep 16
Study: Plant-Based Diets May Improve Vascular Health in African-American Individuals
Plant-based diets may be cardioprotective and improve vascular health in African-American individuals, according to a new study. The study, titled The impact of a plant-based diet on indices of cardiovascular health in African Americans: a cross-sectional study, was published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, and was epublished by the U.S. National Library …